Dear Student
A very warm welcome to you. This library has been especially set up for all our students to help you gain the most of your learning experience whilst studying holistic any alternative or spiritual therapies with our holistic training courses.
Although all your course work is complete in itself, sometimes you may like to see some visual aids. For instance if you are undergoing a massage course then you may find some of the short training videos will be helpful to you.
Accreditation: We are very proud of our students and their success rate is also ours. We are sure you will enjoy your studies with us and will do all we can to help you succeed whether you are studying just for fun or wish to make a professional career as a Holistic Therapist we are confident you have made the right decision in taking your course with us. So whether you are learning just for fun or studying to obtain an accredited diploma/certificate you have found the right place.
Case Studies & Exam Tips: If you wish to obtain your accredited qualification then you will be required to complete an exam. "Exam Tips"
Please note: As a graduate of ours you are entitled to request membership from the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and for a very low cost membership fee you will then be able to advertise your therapies for free and you will also receive a certificate and membership card.
Insurance for students
If you would are planning on working as a professional therapist then its important to get insurance. For details and how to obtain a free insurance quote Visit Insurance for Therapists. Join IPHM and you may be eligible for up to a further 15% discount
Working and starting a Career as a Therapist
Once you are qualified you may then wish to stat your own business. See our working as a therapist page for Working as a Therapist and job opportunities, how to make your first website etc... we will continue to add to this page as information becomes available so please check regularly.
Facebook Support Group
Did you know as well as our facebook page we also have a student support group. This is a great place to meet other students and this is where as a student you will be the first to hear of any events or special offers we have. Join Student Facebook Group
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Consultation Forms for Therapists

When working as a therapist it is recommended that you always complete a consultation card. This is for both your records, the clients record and for insurance purposes.
Depending on the type of therapy offered will depend on the questions asked but below is a consultation guide that you can download and amend as required.
Depending on the type of therapy offered will depend on the questions asked but below is a consultation guide that you can download and amend as required.

File Size: | 50 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Disclaimer: All information and results stated on this website and in videos are for information purposes only. The information is not specific medical advice for any individual. The content of this video should not substitute medical advice from a health professional. If you have a health problem, speak to your doctor or a health professional immediately about your condition.